Prize Pool
- Blast ETH
- 45.5375 ETH (TXN)
- 26.44 ETH from Energy
- 19.0975 ETH from Charters
- $RON
- Initial Seed
- 9 ETH sent from Cambria Treasury (Txn1 & Txn2) to seed the Prize Pool
Swap to USDC
- Amount to Convert (see Prize Pool section)
- Conversion to USDC
- Swap Blast ETH to USDB via Thruster
- 197,452.12 USDB - final amount
- Swap $RON to USDC via Katana DEX
- 69,118.82 USDC - final amount
- Final USD
Adjustments (Rev Share Carve-out)
Pre-Distribution Allocation of Revenue to Rev Share
- 2% of Revenue → Rev Share Payouts
- $5,331.42 leaving $261,239.52 for distribution
Prize Pool to Distribute (RF, Gold, Daily Cashout)
- 15% of Prize Pool → Treasury
- $39,185.93 in USDB (fees to Hot wallet)
- 85% of Prize Pool → Amount to Distribute
- $222,053.59 USDC
- Moving USDC between chain, based on total chain split
- $74,299.59 needed on Ronin
- $147,754.01 needed on Blast
Additional Incentives
Ronin Incentives
The Cambria Treasury allocated 7,100 $RON ($16,827 USD) for Ronin incentives for Season 1.
- 2,300 $RON was paid out to Taskboard winners