Our first official season of Cambria will be live on mainnet (Blast + Ronin) starting Wednesday, November 20th, and ending Monday, November 25th.
In Gold Rush, Viceroys 🤴 (nobility from the Old World) sponsor Adventurers 👨🚀 on risky expeditions to extract Artifacts, Trinkets, and other treasures from the perilous wilds outside the Capital City. Viceroys jostle for each other for influence and Royal Favor, putting their treasuries at risk to claim the lion’s share of the massive riches being discovered in New Cambria.
Gold Rush - Dashboard
Gold Rush - World 1
In Season 1, we will be giving away more than $1m+ (estimated) worth of rewards.
Key Terms 🔑
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Est: $??? USD
85% of all ETH or RON **from game revenue (**Charter purchases, Energy orb purchases, etc. over the course of the season) will be added to the Main Pot. The more $$$ people spend and risk, the larger the Main Pot becomes.
15% of revenue will be accrued to the Treasury as fees
Split to all players based on their Royal Favor score as a percentage of the total supply at the end of the season. Min payout: 0.001E.
Split to all players based on their total gold in their bank or inventory. Min payout: 0.001E.
Every day, we will draw 1 monster at random. 2% of the current prize pool at time of snapshot will be split between any player that has killed that monster. The more kills you have, the bigger your share of the pool. Min payout: 0.001E.
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Est: ~$10k USD
Every time you complete a Taskboard quest (skilling tasks), you have a chance at earning a bonus of 100 $RON in addition to the task rewards. This incentive will end once 6,500 $RON has been given away (will be announced). Easy!
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Est: ~$1m USD
Trinkets & Raffle Tickets are earned from opening Bribes, which are lootboxes earned based on the player’s current Royal Favor. The more Royal Favor you have, the more Bribes you earn over the course of the season.
❤️🔥 Trinket Multipliers
Players can also burn Energy Orbs to roll for higher Backdoor Fame multipliers. **Multipliers unlocked via Backdoor Fame multiplies **all Bribe rewards winnings (Trinkets & NFT Raffle Tickets). Backdoor Fame multipliers only apply to Bribes.
⭐ Founder Boost on Trinkets
Founders have a base 2x multiplier on all Bribe rewards, multiplicative on top of any Backdoor Fame multipliers. Multiple Founders stack additional post-season rewards.
Additional Trinkets will also be distributed based on the following criteria:
Additional Trinkets will be distributed to all players based on the total Royal Favor value of all Royal Favor Items (Artifacts, Curios, etc.) that they have directly cashed in (pro rata). This excludes any passive Royal Favor from Charters or Guild Leader splits.