Mirrored from Ghost.io draft for blog.cambria.gg

Cambria Gold Rush: Season 1 has officially concluded, and the numbers are finally in - over 9,600 players competed to win a share of the prize pool, with 5,340 Royal Charters minted and 33,699 Energy Orbs purchased for a total risk of $209,300 over just 5 days!!


Main Pot

Reference: Original Rewards Doc

The main pot for Season 1 was $266,570.94 USDC. This amount includes 9 ETH (~$33,581 USD) seeded on season start by the Cambria Treasury.

The amount to be distributed to players (85%) totals to $226,585.30 USDC. $74,299.59 USDC was distributed on Ronin and $147,754.01 USDB was distributed on Blast, sent directly to player wallets. This includes 2% of all revenue pre-distribution allocated to rev share from referral codes. See this doc for more detail & exact transactions.

Trinkets & NFT Raffle Tickets were also distributed according to the Rewards Doc criteria and can be viewed via the Claim dashboard.

Founder NFT Rewards

A total of 30 Founder NFTs were distributed to players.

Chain-Specific Incentives

Ronin Incentives

The Cambria Treasury contributed 7,000 $RON ($16,827 USD) for Ronin incentives for Season 1.